Magic of keeping Journals!

I was recently wondering if people actually know that keeping a journal could be magical at times. Revisiting your past memories are made easy with your journals and diaries and that is given. Some times it is much more than just a portal into your past. When you look back and then compare it to your present and you see how much has changed, how much you have grown, how much of your dreams have been realized, its truly magical.

When I was 18 and I walked into my dorm room for the first time, I cried the whole night missing my mother. through the tears I wrote in my diary, “I will never ever abandon my baby when I do have one!”

When I was 25, My husband and I were trying to get pregnant for over 6 months and it was not happening. It was another such day, when my pregnancy test came back negative. That night, through the tears I wrote in my diary, “God, Please bless me with a child, not because that’s what I want but because I know that I will be the best mother there ever was and ever will be!”

Today, I am 27 and my baby girl is already 2. I read those entries today and it fills me with exhilaration and awe! To think that my diary actually granted me my wish! It is the most magical feeling ever.

In the month of April, I came up with a concept as a filler for my bullet journal. I would come up with something that I have never seen or done in my life. So I put this forward in the form of a painting or a doodle or a poem, and i called this page as “Never Have I Ever!” [Duh!]

For April, I put up this painting of snowfall and I mentioned, “I have never seen snow or snowfall ever in my life!” I then shared it on Instagram asking for those who have seen snow or snowfall to comment and say “I Have!” I just put it up there as a game.

After a week of that, My family plans for an impromptu trip to Kashmir! Needless to say, I was so damn excited that I am going to be seeing snow for the first time in my life! Most of the nights preceding the trip was spend with dreams of me holding snow, jumping on snow, dancing on snow, eating snow etc….


Now, I am almost sure that it was my journal that granted me my wish! I know that it seems silly and impractical, but so is Magic. Really silly and those who are practical will never experience it!


Keep it Geeky, Keep it Cheeky!

Happy BuJo-ing!!!!